This is a good way for me to keep track. I’ll add books as I think of them.
I have mild ADD at times and it’s pretty hard to keep my attention so there are quite a few books I’ve not finished. I’ll start with the most recent…
White Cat by Holly Black
Okay let’s be honest here, the cover was really the only thing attracted me to this book. It sounds like kind of a mobster type story which doesn’t really interest me, but as a crazy cat lover I couldn’t help myself. A beautiful white kitteh in the arms of handsome black-clad dude? Yes please. But I got to page 75 and there was nothing interesting happening, no humor, and I don’t really care for her writing style. I’ve still got it out from the library so I might still give it a chance.
Darkness Calls by Marjorie M. Liu
Really, the only reason I never finished this was because, like I said, I have mild ADD and I wanted to read other things. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t really holding my attention and I was bored with the series. The first book was pretty good. I’ll finish it….eventually. Ha.
Cry wolf by Patricia Briggs
I read the novella Alpha and Omega (from the anthology On the Prowl) and really liked it. But I got like halfway through this one and it was just boring me to death so I gave up. I own this one, so I can finish it whenever I feel like it.
Eon by Alison Goodman
I was so very disappointed by this one, as I was stoked to read it. But when I’ve gone 150 pages and still can’t get into a book, it’s just a waste of my time. Very boring. Maybe at some point it gets interesting but there wasn’t anything good soon enough to keep me reading.
Destiny Kills by Keri Arthur
While I love the idea of a half dragon, half human, I still couldn’t get into it 60 pages in. There was no action and waaay too much description. Just like Cry Wolf, I own this one and will read it eventually I’m sure.
Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr
Another one I couldn’t get into. Made it like 1/3 of the way and was thoroughly unimpressed. It’s another one I own, and I do plan on finishing it because I’ve heard good things about it and because I want to read the other books in the series. I hate going out of order or skipping books so I’m determined to read book 1 before I move on.
Fallen 1: Fallen and Leviathan by Thomas E. Sniegoski
Let’s be honest, I think everyone knows why I bought this book (all the women at least). I had high hopes, but Sniegosky’s prose failed to attract me like the cover did. The fight scenes were lacking, nothing was really happening, and all in all I was just bored. I think I made it through almost half…not even sure how I got that far.
Now we’re getting into older ones that I read more than a year back. The reason for all of these is that I simply couldn’t get interested and gave up. In my mind, unremarkable reads.
The Hollow by Jessica Verday
Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko
The only reason I got this book at all was because I wanted to watch the movie Day Watch (based off the 2nd book), and I wanted to read the first one…first.
Staked by J. F. Lewis
This book really just reminded me of a paranormal version of Catcher in the Rye. Man, I hated that book.
Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton
Somehow I managed to make it halfway through this…while I liked Moulton’s idea of reapers, the writing style was novice. I felt like I was reading something a pre-teen wrote. Not to mention that the chick on the cover reminds me of someone I can’t stand.

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