Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Here’s a few authors that I haven’t read yet and I want to asap! Most of these have been on my list for quite some time and I just haven’t gotten around to them yet. (Also, this is apparently the Adult Fantasy edition, lmao!)
1. George R.R. Martin
I absolutely LOVE Game of Thrones the show, and I’d really like to read ASoIaF to see what else the world has to offer! The main reason I’ve put it off for so long is because I know it’s not finished and it’s a running joke that Martin will likely die before it ever is *sighs*
2. Robert Jordan
When the show for Wheel of Time was announced I said I was going to FINALLY pick the first book up. Yeah, that happened…
3. Joe Abercrombie
Abercrombie is a HUGE hitter in all of my fantasy groups! Top of my list: Blade Itself
4. Brent Weeks
Top of my list: Black Prism
5. Cinda Williams Chima
I own the entire Seven Realms series and still haven’t read them! I actually have tried to read Demon King twice and wasn’t in the mood, but I’m SO convinced that it would be a ‘me’ book if I could just get into it!
6. Robin Hobb
Another big hitter in my fantasy groups! I’m worried that Hobb won’t be for me based on some of the negative reviews I’ve read, so I keep putting it off. I’ve checked Assassin’s Apprentice out from the library multiple times and never picked it up, oops.
7. Garth Nix
I have heard AMAZING things about Sabriel!
8. Nora Roberts
Top of my list: Year One
9. Ursula K. Le Guin
The reviews for Wizard of Earthsea are insane! My hopes are so sky high that I’m afraid to be disappointed.
10. Jeff Zentner
I’ve heard SO many great things about The Serpent King!
What authors have you not read yet that you really want to?

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