Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Today’s prompt was actually to pick a previous topic, but I chose to do a freebie! I recently finished Little Thieves, and knew from the very first chapter that it would be a 5 star book for me, so it made me want to post about this topic! It’s very rare that I find a book the hooks me helplessly from the very first page. Here’s a list of all the books that I knew would be 5 stars (or almost, a few are 4.5/5) as soon as I started reading them!
- Stain
- Iron Widow
- The Ten Thousand Doors of January
- Strange the Dreamer
- Little Thieves
- Skyward
- This Mortal Coil
- Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries
- Crownchasers
- Girl at Midnight
What books did you love from the very first page?
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