Every single one of these books is a sequel to a book that I rated 4 stars. I enjoyed them at the time of reading, but I remember next to nothing about any of those books and I have no desire left to continue any of these series.
Do you have any books like that? Where as time passes, you lose interest in them?

I’ve pretty much gotten to the point where I need to rate the first book in a series AT LEAST 4.5 stars if I’m going to continue with the series. Otherwise I’m just not interested. It might have been a good book but I’m only going to get invested in an entire series if it’s an AMAZING book.
Man I am seeing Captive a lot today! I finished that series some time ago. I liked it, but didn’t enjoy it as much as I did her first one. I honestly loved Jennifer’s Coveant series. It was one of the rare times when I was actually getting ARCs to review and I read all but the last one as an ARC. It’s been ages since I read it though so I can’t remember everything, but I know I liked it! Unleashed was kind of blah. I remember disliking that ending so you’re wise to skip it! I too skipped Until the Beginning. I couldn’t get into the first one. The rest are ones I never read or had interest in!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)