Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Hmm, there seems to be a theme XD
Row 1 – Sci-fi
(aka ominous-sounding 1 word titles)
- Corruption by Jessica Shirvington – I loved Disruption hardcore, I can’t wait to get my hands on the sequel!
- Revenger by Alastair Reynolds – Space. Opera. WITH PIRATES AND BURIED TREASURE. *hums Treasure Planet music*
- Hellworld by Tom Leveen – You had me at “what they stumble across in that dark, primordial cave in Arizona, is nothing they could have ever imaged.” PLEASE BE CREEPY.
- Dragonsbane by Barbara Hambly – this book cover just screams to me! I’ve been DYING for something in the vein of the Wayfarer Redemption and this cover tells me that this will be it (hopefully, ha).
- Heartstone by Elle Katharine White – I’m a little on the fence about the Historical aspect, but dragons and gryphons and dragonriding?! HOW COULD I NOT.
- The Waking Fire by Anthony Ryan – LOOK AT THE DRAGON ON THE COVER. IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL. *sobs* Also, dragon blood and power!
- Dragon Trials by Ava Richardson – MORE DRAGONRIDING HUZZAH.
Row 3 – High Fantasy
(aka magical glowing covers of magic)
- The Midnight Sea by Kat Ross – I’m pretty sure I actually downloaded this one. I think it may have been on Amazon’s $0.99 download list and I bought it on a whim. But it sounds super intriguing!
- Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh – I loved The Wrath and the Dawn, so I’d already be excited to read another fantasy by Renee. BUT. This one has Japanese culture!!! YES PLEASE.
- The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell – Magic, need I say more?! And honestly the Ouroboros and mention of a book totally makes me think of Neverending Story, so even if it’s totally unfounded my interested is still piqued haha!

I just added Revenger to my to-read list too! It sounds absolutely epic. I’ll have to look up Hellworld and The Last Magician too, because you make them sound amazing. Also, the covers are great! Hope you’ll enjoy them all :)
Yes to Corruption! I just read Disruption and loved it. I need that sequel too. Great list!
I haven’t heard of any of these, but they look great. Hellworld by Tom Leveen I hope if creepy!!!!
DRAAAAAGONS!! Totally checking out some of those. I want me some dragons.
LOOK AT ALL THESE DRAGONS OMG I HAVE INFINITE NEED FOR THEM IMMEDIATELY. Basically this list is epic. Your TBR must be so much fun.
OOooh very nice!! Digging the dragon reads! Sooo many new to me ones! But I sooooo cannot wait read Flame in the Mist and The Last Magician!! Those two are definitely on my release list! Hope you love all of these once you read them!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
The cover of Flame In The Mist is so beautiful!