I really enjoyed the Reading Bingo Challenge I did in 2015, so I decided to make my own Bingo Challenge for 2016! I made it completely from scratch, but I modeled it after the gorgeous reading bingo card from Random House’s website because I love theirs but wanted one of my own. (Okay, so it’s not as professional looking and epic as theirs is…but I tried.) It was a lot of fun to make and it’s definitely something I’d be interested in doing again. Feel free to grab the graphic and join in as well! I’ll add a linky for those of you who want to participate, and if I get enough people interested I’ll make it an official challenge :)
My personal goal is to get a coverall!

I think that this is a great idea and I am totally going to participate! :)
Great looking board! What do you think, one book per square?
Yes ma’am, one book per square and you can’t use the same book twice! Although if you want to read multiple books for one square I suppose you could do that too :)
sound very difficult for me
So fun! I was totally enthused about the idea at the beginning of last year, and even made a TBR jar type thing with the categories, but then just never quite got around to doing it. This year, I’m doing Around the Year in 52 Books, which I saw on Goodreads, which is similar. I likely won’t complete all 52 challenges, but it’ll be fun to try! I love how you’ve created your own bingo card — and I bet you’ll complete “read a book with a cat” by the end of week, curled up with one of your kitties =)
[…] is my very first reading bingo challenge (yay!), and it’s courtesy of Jessi at Novel Heartbeat. There are a bunch of these cards going around, but I chose this one because it looks so clean and […]
Starting a little late, but I have been trying to find a fun bingo type reading challenge so I’m joining up! I lov this idea. :D
Ooh! This sounds fun! And it would be the perfect motivation to get more reading done. I’m a little late to the party, though, so I’m not sure if it’s too late to join in.
Not at all! The more, the merrier :)
[…] didn’t participate in many book challenges this year – no time or patience! – but Novel Heartbeat’s 2016 Reading Bingo Challenge was one of ’em. I did better than I expected; I hit 23/24 squares, with the only miss being […]