The Serpent Bride by Sara Douglass
Series: Darkglass Mountain #1
Genre: Adult, High Fantasy
Published by Eos (5.22.2007)
ARC, 627 pages
Source: I own it
Sara Douglass has won legions of fans around the world for her epic tales of sorcery, forbidden love, and heart-pounding action. Now, with the DarkGlass Mountain saga, she reveals her biggest adventure yet.
Rescued from unspeakable horror, Ishbel Brunelle has devoted her life to a Serpent cult that reads the future in the entrails of its human sacrifices. But the Serpent has larger plans for Ishbel than merely being archpriestess, plans that call for a dangerous royal marriage balancing on the edge between treachery and devotion, and an eerie, eldritch warning: Prepare for the Lord of Elcho Falling . . .
And there are other dangers. For while Tencendor is gone, even its fall cannot destroy the Icarii. As the Tyrant of Isembaard reaches for glory, both StarDrifter SunSoar and his son, Axis, are pulled into the deadly dance of intrigue and sorcery. The DarkGlass Mountain—once known as the Threshold—is waiting, and as the Dark God Kanubai rises from his prison in exile, no one will escape unscathed.
This series is actually a spin-off of The Wayfarer Redemption series (which, if you didn’t know by now, is my favorite Adult series), and this is the second time I’ve read it. I read the entire Wayfarer Redemption series for the third time a couple of months ago, and I’ve been having slight withdrawal ever since. It felt so good to dive back into the world!
It’s a totally different timeline and different setting than the original, but it’s in the same world, and there are a few familiar faces. I was thrilled to see StarDrifter again – I forgot he was in this! – and Axis as well. I love the little tie-ins here and there, and how Tencedor is briefly mentioned.
The best thing about reading this again was that I’d forgotten much of what happens. Things were familiar as I was reading, but I didn’t really see much of it coming. Some things were still a surprise!
Plot: 4.5/5
Premise: 5/5
Writing style: 4.5/5
Originality: 5/5
Characters: 4.5/5
World-building: 5/5
Pace: 5/5
Feels: 4/5
Cover: 4/5
Overall rating: 5/5
The Twisted Citadel by Sara Douglass
Series: Darkglass Mountain #2
Genre: Adult, High Fantasy
Published by Voyager (5.27.2008)
Hardcover, 560 pages
Source: I own it
Tencendor is no more. The land is gone. But a few SunSoars remain, and a new foe walks the world.
In a time of magic and danger, three new heroes have stepped forward—Ishbel Brunelle, priestess of the Serpent Coil; Isaiah, the Tyrant of Isembaard; and Maximilian, the Lord of Elcho Falling. Yet despite their best efforts, the Dark God Kanubai has risen. And worse yet, war approaches—backed by the evil, insidious DarkGlass Mountain, hordes of insatiable Skraelings ravage the land.
While the trio struggles to keep its armies and alliances alive, the SunSoars have their own challenges, including the chance to rejoin the magical Star Dance at long last, and the appearance of the Lealfast, long-lost kin to the Icarii. The Lealfast and the Icarii may be friends . . . or deadly enemies. And as tensions rise between the two races, Axis SunSoar revives his elite Strike Force in a desperate bid to stop the darkness.
There was a lot of talk about the Threshold in this one, and it made me wish that I had read her book, Threshold. I would probably have known much more of the backstory on the pyramid, the One, and the magi!
“I find all my strength in the beat of your heart.”
It was kind of amazing how Ishbel and Maxel fell apart so badly only to come back together stronger! And ok how about Ravenna? How could I forget how much I hated her?! She was SO awful.
I loved reading the backstory of the Weeper again, and the objects in the Twisted Tower. Very cool!
The Lealfast are totally creepy but kinda cool? I’m not really sure how I feel about them. Not to mention they’re a wild card that I can’t remember. Also, the story of how they came to be – EW. That’s an image I’ll never get rid of O_O
Ishbel is a badass! She totally keeps a cool head in the face of everything thrown at her. She’s got enemies coming out of the woodwork to take her down, but she stands tall and confident, I love it!
Plot: 4.5/5
Premise: 5/5
Writing style: 4.5/5
Originality: 5/5
Characters: 4.5/5
World-building: 5/5
Pace: 5/5
Feels: 4/5
Cover: 4/5
Overall rating: 5/5
The Infinity Gate by Sara Douglass
Series: Darkglass Mountain #3
Genre: Adult, High Fantasy
Published by Eos (6.1.2010)
Hardcover, 533 pages
Source: I own it
Tencendor is no more. The land is gone. But a few SunSoars still remain, and a new foe walks the world.
Ishbel Brunelle, priestess of the Serpent Coil, and Maximilian, the Lord of Elcho Falling, have raised the magic of Elcho Falling, and found new allies against the darkness in the mysterious Lealfast. And more crucially still, Axis SunSoar, former god and current hero, has rediscovered the magical Star Dance and revived his legendary Strike Force to push back the evil hordes commanded by the DarkGlass Mountain.
But their enemy grows stronger through blood and betrayal, the Lealfast have their own agenda, and when unexpected treachery threatens, Axis SunSoar must face a darkness greater than any he has ever known.
It was so much fun to read this series again! I’m still surprised by how much I had forgotten about this series. It never really stuck with me the way The Wayfarer Redemption did, but it was amazing nonetheless!
I loved the part with the Axis and Inardle in the ice hex, and the story behind the River Angels was riveting! I had completely forgotten that. The One was as creepy as I remembered, and it was satisfying to see him finally get what he deserved.
I enjoyed seeing everything play out (again), and found the end very fitting. I am going to miss this series and all of its characters!
Plot: 4.5/5
Premise: 5/5
Writing style: 4.5/5
Originality: 5/5
Characters: 4.5/5
World-building: 5/5
Pace: 5/5
Feels: 4/5
Cover: 3.5/5
Overall rating: 5/5
Overall series rating

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