Series: Anna and the French Kiss #1
Published by Speak (12.2.2010)
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Format: Paperback, 372 pages
Source: I own it

Can Anna find love in the City of Light?
Anna is happy in Atlanta. She has a loyal best friend and a crush on her coworker at the movie theater, who is just starting to return her affection. So she's less than thrilled when her father decides to send her to a boarding school in Paris for her senior year.
But despite not speaking a word of French, Anna meets some cool new people, including the handsome Étienne St. Clair, who quickly becomes her best friend. Unfortunately, he's taken —and Anna might be, too. Will a year of romantic near misses end with the French kiss she's waiting for?
My thoughts
Took me long enough, right?! I was honestly afraid to read this book because of the hype surrounding it. (Curse being a black sheep.) Thankfully I didn’t hate it like I was afraid I would, but it still didn’t blow me away like I was hoping.
Actually, I’m still kind of on the fence about this book. I did really enjoy it while I was reading, but I have some reservations.
I love that Stephanie captures that feeling. You know, the feeling when you’re falling for someone and it’s exciting and scary all at the same time, and there’s still doubt about how they feel, and you don’t know what to do or say because you don’t want to ruin it. She captured the beauty and the indecision of it perfectly. (I don’t know how else to explain it!)
What I didn’t like, though, is that St. Clair had a girlfriend. I have a serious problem with cheating in any form, and it bothered the shit out of me that they still got close knowing the risk, and continued to do so even when they started developing feelings for one another. And there is NO circumstance where it is okay to sleep in a girl’s bed that is not your girlfriend’s!! Like, WTF? That part really pissed me off! If it was me, even if I accidentally had feelings for a guy that was taken, I would have said “hell no” if he’d have asked to stay with me overnight, and told him if he wanted to he’d have to break up with his girlfriend first. It also irritated me that he stayed in a relationship with that girl even though he clearly wanted Anna. I mean, I understand that it’s comfortable and he doesn’t like change, but Jesus! That’s not fair to either girl! ARGH.
View Spoiler »But still, I did enjoy reading this. It felt real. Like it actually happened. The characters were very fleshed out and realistic, and the relationships felt very real as well. And even though I didn’t agree with it, sometimes shit happens. Sometimes you fall for someone you shouldn’t, or don’t mean to fall for.
Overall Assessment
Plot: 3/5
Premise: 3/5
Writing style: 4/5
Characters: 4.5/5
Pace: 4/5
Feels: 3.5/5
Cover: 4/5
Overall rating: 3.5/5

OHHH NOOOO. I don’t like cheating too, in any context :O I haven’t read this book yet, and might start soon. Hmmm. I guess we’ll just have to see how I fare with this book. Anw, great review :)
I agree so much on this. I couldn’t stand the cheating part, but I still feel like I enjoyed reading it.
Such a cute novel this one :)