Hello loverlies! It’s the end of the fifth month of the 2013 SC! We’re almost halfway through, can you believe it? How did you all do?! Sadly, I only read one this month:

I put my link in the linky widget, feel free to link add your sequel reviews for the month :)
*If you have more than one to enter, just refresh the page to enter a new link.

One is better than none! :D
I may need to up my goal again, since I’m currently at 46/50 published reviews. I already have 3 more scheduled and I’m currently reading and reviewing books 2-6 in a series!
Wow! That’s impressive! You’re kicking my butt, baha :p I think I have 8 sequels for the whole year…lmao #fail
I agree with Angie!
Happy June reading!
I read 7 this month. I’ve been trying to work through my TBR pile so a lot of my sequels are pending me reading the first book!
Ok, so I have been a bad girl and have forgotten to link up. So… here I go, adding on Jan-May.
This is the link up for books read in May. I can’t seem to find the June link up?