Series: Altered #1
Published by Little Brown (1.1.2013)
Genres: Science Fiction, Young Adult
Format: Hardcover, 323 pages
Source: Library
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When you can’t trust yourself, who can you believe?
Everything about Anna’s life is a secret. Her father works for the Branch at the helm of its latest project: monitoring and administering treatments to the four genetically altered boys in the lab below their farmhouse. There’s Nick, Cas, Trev . . . and Sam, who’s stolen Anna’s heart. When the Branch decides it’s time to take the boys, Sam stages an escape, killing the agents sent to retrieve them.
Anna is torn between following Sam or staying behind in the safety of her everyday life. But her father pushes her to flee, making Sam promise to keep her away from the Branch, at all costs. There’s just one problem. Sam and the boys don’t remember anything before living in the lab—not even their true identities.
Now on the run, Anna soon discovers that she and Sam are connected in more ways than either of them expected. And if they’re both going to survive, they must piece together the clues of their past before the Branch catches up to them and steals it all away.
My thoughts
When I was reading this, I loved it. But now that a few days have passed, I realized: This book is forgettable. For me, at least. The pacing was quick and there were times when I was so engrossed that I couldn’t put the book down. But now, looking back, I find I have to think hard to remember the details, although it’s only been a couple days since I finished. That’s not a good thing.
I liked Anna. Liked, not loved. She did earn my respect when she started standing up for herself, and she had a tough moment where I was actually rather proud of her (and she really surprised me!). But I didn’t connect with her all that well. Nor did I connect with Sam. In fact, I found him rather boring and vanilla (and you know how I feel about vanilla love interests). I didn’t understand why Anna adored him so much, because he didn’t really have much of a personality. Therefore, I didn’t care about the romance.
Cas was a different story. I loved him! He was snarky and easy going, and he brought levity to even the worst of situations. He made me laugh many times, and he was the character that had the most personality. I’m totally Team Cas, even though there was nothing more than friendship between him and Anna.
I even liked Nick to be honest, despite the fact he was an asshat. But at least he wasn’t flat like the others.
I didn’t care much for Trev to begin with, and (spoiler, highlight to read) something he did toward the end made me like him even less. But I wasn’t surprised, when I really should have been. Anna called him her best friend, but I didn’t feel like that connection was really there.
The story line was really intriguing, though! You didn’t know much until about the last quarter of the book, so it kept you guessing and the curiosity keeps you interested. Not that you could lose interest in this one – it will grab you by the seat of your pants and won’t let go! There was a lot of action and heart-pounding moments. Not to mention shock after shock – I couldn’t tell you how many times I gasped out loud or slapped my hand over my mouth! I do love a book that can surprise me.
I also liked the point of the tattoos and the scars and how everything came together.
While it wasn’t memorable, it was still a very enjoyable read. I definitely recommend picking this one up!
Favorite character: Cas!
[Nick] “I would rather light myself on fire.”
“Awesome.” Cas rubbed his hands together. “Anyone have some marshmallows?”
Overall Assessment
Plot: 4/5
Writing style: 4/5
Originality: 5/5
Characters: 3.5/5
World-building: 4/5
Pace: 5/5
Cover: 4/5
Overall rating: 4/5

Originally I REALLY wanted to read this, because hello awesome premise, and I LOVE the name Sam and generally tend to adore characters called Sam. But I’ve read some “meh” reviews, and after the recent drama with the author, the truth is, I just can’t bring myself to read it. *sighs* Too bad, really.
I’m glad you enjoyed it though, Jessi! Anna sounds like an alright heroine, but blah. Vanilla love interests are so boring!
Molli | Once Upon a Prologue
Hmm, I didn’t hear about the author drama! Good thing, too, because I probably wouldn’t have bothered reading it. I hate authors like that!
Good review. Been meaning to pick this one up.
I’m really glad you liked this one, even it’s not at the top of your list. I’ve been dying to get my hands on it! Seeing another positive review keeps my hopes up! HOLLAAAAAAAA!
Happy Monday girlsie!
<3333 Inksy
I think you’ll love it darling! HAPPY HAPPY MONDAY <3
YAY. I love when I can have expectations that will not be saddened.
Cas sounds great! I love snarky characters! :D