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Hello Everyone! My name is Debdatta Dasgupta Sahay (I know it’s a mouthful so you can call me DDS) and I am a Bookaholic! I am a 29 year old Human Resources Professional. I am also newly married (just celebrated 1st Anniversary but still feels like it was just yesterday that I tied the knot). I am truly addicted to books. Time or place doesn’t matter to me – I am always reading or shopping for books or writing about books. If you find me not involved in any of those three then you can be sure that I am thinking about books.
How long have you been blogging? What made you want to start a book blog?
It is basically a place for me to vent out about books… My parents and hubby like to read too but not as much as me. [I am actually known as the ‘crazy book lady’ amongst my friends.] At first I used to vent out by commenting on other blogs but soon that wasn’t enough and I just had to start my own blog. Though I also do Author Interviews, Guest Posts and participate in blog tours, most of my posts are Reviews. Sometimes they are short & sweet and sometimes they are long & ranting – they just depend upon my mood after reading the book.
What do you do when you’re not blogging or reading?
I am a Human Resource Professional. I work full time. Besides that, I take care of my family. I like to Dance and Swim. I am also into writing letters and have a few pals over the world with whom I exchange old fashioned hand written mail every now and then.
What is your favorite part about blogging? Least favorite?
I have to say that I love the general attitude here – always welcoming and open minded. But what I love the most is how my reading habits have changed under the influence of the blogging world. Previously I was very selective and would read only well-known authors and stick to mystery/thrillers. Now my taste has broadened at least ten fold. Yes, I read a lot more of paranormal, fantasy, chic-lit, nonfiction… and I have discovered a love for Indie Authors! I discovered some of my recent favourites thanks to this community.
What I do not like is how sometimes a ‘few’ people tend to get too personal at times. But then that’s a very small part of the community and I tend to ignore them completely.
How did you come up with the name for your blog?
:) b00k r3vi3ws for Book Reviews – As you can see I am not that creative :)
Do you have any specific book bloggers that inspire you?
What do you look for in a blog when following? What are your pet peeves?
If you see the list of blogs that I follow through Blogger – its huge. But it is because I love participating in giveaways. But I have a list of blogs bookmarked on my browser that I visit frequently – these are the blogs with Good Quality Reviews. I often read their reviews to decide before buying a book for myself.
What’s your favorite book(s)?
Are you seriously asking a bookworm that question? There is no way I can name just one book or even a few. Its a seriously long list. But yes, I always enjoy books by Satyajit Ray, Anita Desai, Jeffrey Archer, Lee Child, Agatha Christie, Chris Kuzneski. I also enjoy reading Indie Authors like Eileen Harris, Rachelle Ayala, Emlyn Chand…
Favorite author?
Its a hell of a long list. But yes, Satyajit Ray, Jeffrey Archer, Anita Desai, Agatha Christie & Enid Blyton sit on the top 5 positions (in that order)
What is the biggest turn off for you when you’re reading a book?
Weak / irritating characters! I may love an average book because of great characters and may hate a great book because of irritating characters. I usually get so into a book that I tend to live the lives of the characters in the book.
What first draws you to a book to make you want to read it?
Plot. As simple as that. I don’t go for big names and beautiful covers. The plot should be appealing.
Describe yourself in 3 words.
1. Bookworm – I read a bit too much.
2. Straightforward – Unbelievably straightforward actually. I’ll be the first one to tell you the good & the bad things right to you.
3. Friend – A friend who may not be there to party with you but always there to listen & wherever possible – help.
Name a random fact about yourself.
I am a very extreme person. I still see things as either black or white or as right or wrong. There’s nothing in between for me.
Do you have a job? If so, what do you do?
I work for a HR consultancy as an HR & Admin Manager. I basically have to do a lot of client servicing, internal training and a hell lot of paperwork!
What did you want to be when you were little? Has that changed?
When I was really little – I wanted to be like my mom. During schooling – I wanted to be an investigative journalist. And now, I just want to be an expert all-rounder just like my mom – again. Guess I have completed the cycle ;)
Cats or dogs?
Favorite animal?
Werewolves?!! Dogs & Dolphins.
White, dark, or milk chocolate?
You want me to choose chocolate type? Can’t I have them all?
Coke or Pepsi?
Favorite TV show?
Castle, Vampire diaries, Friends, Amazing Race, Full House
Favorite movie?
Long list… But in recent times – Dark Knight Returns from Hollywood & Kahaani from Bollywood
Black & blue.
Thanks for being here today, Debdatta! It was fantastic getting to know you!
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