Series: Unraveling #1
Published by Balzer + Bray (4.24.2012)
Genres: Science Fiction, Young Adult
Format: Hardcover, 445 pages
Source: I own it
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Sixteen-year-old Janelle Tenner is used to having a lot of responsibility. She balances working as a lifeguard in San Diego with an intense academic schedule. Janelle's mother is bipolar, and her dad is a workaholic FBI agent, which means Janelle also has to look out for her younger brother, Jared.
And that was before she died...and is brought back to life by Ben Michaels, a mysterious, alluring loner from her high school. When she discovers a strange clock that seems to be counting down to the earth's destruction, Janelle learns she has twenty-four days to figure out how to stop the clock and save the planet.
My thoughts
Lives are made of strings of moments, and every once in a while, one of those moments is pivotal and defining. It changes everything, alters you so completely that when you look back, there’s a clear before and after.
Wow. This book blew my mind! I don’t read a lot of sci-fi, so it was unlike anything I’ve ever read before. And boy does Norris know how to kick your feet out from under you! There were a few things I never saw coming, and I found myself having to stop and go back to re-read because I just couldn’t believe it. And then I just stared at the pages, dumbstruck – like, did that really just happen? Did she just go there? Yes, yes she did. It picked up right away with the accident and kept me on the edge of my seat at every crazy twist and turn. Unraveling grabs you by the balls and doesn’t let go!
Ten days ago, I should have died. But I didn’t. I’m alive. I have so much to live for. And this time I’m going to do it right.
In the very beginning I had a small fear of a love triangle forming, but I am pleased to say I was wrong. Alex is just a best friend, more like a brother, really; and Nick hardly stood a chance against Ben. There wasn’t much of a choice for Janelle to make there. Alex was pretty awesome – he stood by Janelle and supported her no matter what.
Unraveling was a fantastic emotional rollercoaster for me. There were times I was angry, wanting to yell out loud, “Punch him/her in the face, J!!” and times I was in such total shock that I couldn’t say anything all. And I cried…oh my! Norris crushed my soul with that ending! There’s no sequel listed (yet?), please tell me that’s not the end!! I need more Ben. :(

“Wow, that’s original. What eighties movie did you steal that line from?”
“He refers to it as the ‘confusion of my thoughts, so that I am fit for nothing,’ which essentially means he’s so torn up over what he feels for her that he’s just walking around like he has no brain.”
A couple of guys in class laugh like they know the feeling. I’m pretty sure whatever is muddling their thoughts stems from an organ south of their hearts.

I’m so freaking excited about this book, and all the 5-star reviews really make me want to run to the bookstore and buy myself a copy. In fact, I might do just that, with The Immortal Rules as we’ll ;p
Emily@Emily’s Crammed Bookshelf
LOVE your review! I’ve been meaning to read this book for awhile now but haven’t gotten to it yet. I’ll try to push this up on my to-reads list since you seemed to like it so much. I had no clue this book was sci-fi till I read this review. *excited* ;)
Thanks guys!! Hope you both enjoy it, can’t wait to hear what you think! :)
I can’t wait to read this book. Very exciting. Thanks for the review. I saw your post on Goodread YA blogs and am happy to follow you. You can find me at: http://todayinshenaya.blogspot.com
I don’t think there is anyone here as jealous of you as I am! I simply have no money to buy this book, but the quotes alone and you saying that it was unpredictable, and heck, the fact that it’s not your typical genre but that you enjoyed it (which makes me hope that I’ll enjoy it just as much).. AAAAAAAAAAARGGGH! *gnaws on fist*
I HAVE to read this book! I always hoped it would be translated soon, but I guess I´ll read in in English soon ;)