Blogger Spotlight: Beverley at A Reading Daydreamer

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on August 7, 2012 | 2 Comments

This is a new feature I will be doing on a weekly basis. The purpose is to get to know your fellow bloggers a little better! If you are interested in being featured please fill out the form
A Reading Daydreamer

Meet Beverley! 

Hi, I’m Beverley and I’m a teenage blogger from the UK who is trying to balance school, blogging and everything in between! I love reading, and blogging is one of my latest new hobbies! I enjoy all YA genres apart from horror (I’m a scaredy-cat!). I also have huge crushes on Noah Hutchins and Peeta Mellark ;)


How long have you been blogging? What made you want to start a book blog?

I have been blogging for more than half a year! I wanted to start a book blog as a way to shout out about the good and not-so-good books that I have read. I don’t have many book-loving friends so what could be better than starting a blog to gush about books?


What do you do when you’re not blogging or reading?

When I’m not blogging or reading, I’m most likely doing homework (my school hands out homework like Santa hands out presents!). I play the piano and violin and I also enjoy dancing, playing badminton and walking the dog! The rest of my free time is spent with friends: going shopping, to the movies – I’m just your average teenage girl really.

I love badminton, too!!


What is your favorite part about blogging? Least favorite?

The community is my favourite part. I have met so many people who share my passion for reading and it’s been great to make friends with them. It’s amazing just how many book-lovers there are out there and being able to gush about books with them through comments and on Twitter is something I never imagined when I first started. It’s also been wonderful to discover loads of awesome reads through other reviews too!

My least favourite is the time it takes. It’s quite a struggle to keep your blog updated frequently with reviews and other interesting posts, especially when there’s school and particularly during exam periods. Thankfully, I’ve found a co-blogger who will be joining me later this month!


Where did you come up with the name for your blog?

It took me ages to come up with a name that felt right. It took days of brainstorming – I’m awful when it comes to thinking of names and titles! – and I realised: why don’t I put my two favourite things together? Reading and daydreaming. That’s when a ‘A Reading Daydreamer’ was born.


Do you have any specific book bloggers that inspire you?

Mimi at Mimi Valentine and Riya at The Teen Book Guru inspire me the most. They’re both the same age as me and have really popular blogs and I feel I can learn a lot from them – their energy and enthusiasm is infectious! Others include Hilda at Catch the Lune, Eileen at Singing and Reading in the Rain, Jasprit and Rachel at The Readers Den, Sam at Realm of Fiction and Jenny at Supernatural Snark.


What do you look for in a blog when following? What are your pet peeves?

I usually read a few of their reviews to get a taste of their style and I’ll most likely follow if I find myself looking forward to more reviews from them. I look for reviews that are fun to read and although I prefer shorter reviews, quite a lot of blogs have longer reviews which I enjoy reading nevertheless. I hate when blogs are hard to read and not comfortable to look at and I don’t like bloggers who do memes every single day.


What’s your favorite book(s)?

I recently read and ADORED Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry and I loved Someone Else’s Life by Katie Dale just as much. This is closely followed by The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Bunheads by Sophie Flack and Skin Deep by Laura Jarratt.


Favorite author?

Gosh… Umm… I can’t possibly pick between Katie McGarry and Katie Dale!!! Both are fabulous debut authors and they simply blew me away with their novels. They have such flawless writing styles and their characters feel so real so I’m eagerly awaiting their upcoming books!


What is the biggest turn off for you when you’re reading a book?

Characters that I can’t connect with are a major turn off. I like to read books that have characters I can relate to, warm to, empathise – that sort of thing. If I’m not ‘feeling’ what the characters are feeling, I usually give up.

I agree! That’s a major mood killer for me too.


What first draws you to a book to make you want to read it?

I like books with pretty covers (I know, I know!) and a convincing synopsis that will captivate me so much that I need to get my hands on the book! I also look around for reviews on my friends’ blogs to see what they thought of it and then I judge for myself whether it will be a worthwhile read.


Describe yourself in 3 words.

Fun, friendly and vivacious!


Name a random fact about yourself.

I’m awful at playing table tennis.



Cats or dogs?
Dogs all the way!

White, dark, or milk chocolate?
White chocolate is too sweet, milk chocolate can be a bit sickly so I’m gonna go for dark chocolate! I don’t understand why people don’t like it!

Coke or Pepsi?
Coke, I don’t think there’s much difference but I always go for Coke!

Favorite TV show?
Currently watching Revenge – it’s AMAZING!

The Hunger Games, no doubt! The film is just as good as the book and Josh Hutcherson? Yes please!

Any pastel colour! I can’t choose between pale pink, sky blue or light peach!


Thanks for being here on the blog today, Beverley! It was fantastic getting to know you! :)


Find Beverley:

Jessi (Geo)

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