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Bout of Books starts tomorrow and as always I am SUPER excited!!! I’m getting to the point that it’s agony to wait for the next one, I love this readathon so much! It’s perfect timing too, because I’ve been lagging behind on reading and I need a little boost :)
- Finish current reads or DNF
Kingdom of the Wicked (on page 171/372)✓- Gardens of the Moon (on page 62/657) ✗
- The Hearts We Sold (on page 152/381) ✗
- Get as far into the Malice audio as possible (21 hours left) ✓
- Read the first volume of both the Strayed and Animosity graphic novels ✓
- Finish 4-5 books OR 1,500 pages total ✓
- Read a little bit every day ✓
- Limit time spent on social media/procrastinating ✓
- Read some with the boyfriend! ✓
*orange check means I more or less did it, but could have done better >.<


I don’t actually expect to finish all these, especially with Sea of Stars being freaking 800 pages, lol! But this is a look at what I’m dying to get to asap!
I’ll keep this section updated every day throughout the week!
Today’s goals:
- Finish Kingdom of the Wicked ✓
Currently reading: Kingdom of the Wicked, The Summer I Drowned
Pages read today: 392
Time spent reading today: 5.5 hours
Books completed today: Kingdom of the Wicked
Today’s goals:
- Finish The Summer I Drowned (currently at 57%) ✓
Currently reading: The Summer I Drowned
Pages read today: 145
Time spent reading today: 1 hour, 45 minutes
Books completed today: The Summer I Drowned
Today’s goals:
- Read Animosity vol. 1 ✓
Currently reading: Animosity vol. 1
Currently listening: Malice
Pages read today: 204
Time spent reading today: 1 hour
Time spent listening today: 3 hours
Books completed today: Animosity vol. 1
Today’s goals:
- Read at least 100 pages of Addie Larue ✗
Currently reading: The Invisible Life of Addie Larue
Pages read today: 68
Time spent reading today: 1 hour
Books completed today: n/a
Notes: I lost my kitty Tuesday morning so I’ve been a little depressed the last couple of days and haven’t felt much like reading :(
Today’s goals:
- Read at least 100 pages of Addie Larue ✓
Currently reading: Addie Larue
Pages read today: 112
Time spent reading today: 2 hours
Books completed today: n/a
Notes: I actually intended to read for a few hours in the evening, but I ended up getting called into work and stayed kinda late so I didn’t get home in time to do much!
Today’s goals:
- Finish Addie Larue ✓
Currently reading: Addie Larue
Pages read today: 268
Time spent reading today: 3.5 hours
Books completed today: The Invisible Life of Addie Larue
Today’s goals:
- Read Strayed vol. 1 ✓
- Finish one more book ✗
Currently reading: Strayed, The Bear & the Nightingale
Pages read today: 209
Time spent reading today: 1.5 hours
Books completed today: Strayed
Notes: Okay, so I kinda sucked today because I willingly gave up >.> I wasn’t enjoying TB&tN and kept falling asleep on it, plus I needed to do some shopping, so I decided to call it quits. I just wasn’t in the mood to read today, sadly.
Total # pages read: 1,427
Total time spent reading: 16 hours, 15 minutes
Total time spent listening to audiobooks: 4 hours
Books I completed: Kingdom of the Wicked, The Summer I Drowned, Animosity vol. 1, The Invisible Life of Addie Larue, Strayed vol. 1

I keep missing when BoB starts, but it looks like you’ve got a good start already! This is My America is amazing!