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Bout of Books starts next week and I am super excited!!! I’ve barely read at all the last couple months (new boyfriend is taking all my time, oops) and I seriously miss it. I’ve fallen way behind and am in serious need of a catch up, so I’ve been really looking forward to this readathon!
- Finish current reads ✓
Containment by Caryn Lix (on page 102/480)Soul of the Sword by Julie Kagawa (currently at 17%)
- Get as far into the Iron Gold audio as possible ✓
- Finish the Warriors: Omen of the Stars series ✓
- Finish 4-5 books OR 1,500 pages total ✓
- Read a little bit every day ✓
- Limit time spent on social media/procrastinating ✓
- Read some with the boyfriend! ✓


I’ll keep this section updated every day throughout the week!
Today’s goals:
- Finish Containment (on page 102/480) ✓
Currently reading: Containment, Soul of the Sword
Currently listening to: Iron Gold, Illuminae (with the boyfriend!)
Pages read today: 503
Time spent reading today: 3 hours
Time spent listening today: 3 hours, 30 minutes
Books completed today: Containment
Today’s goals:
- Read at least 100 pages ✓
Currently reading: Soul of the Sword
Currently listening to: Iron Gold, Illuminae (with the boyfriend!)
Pages read today: 410
Time spent reading today: 3 hours, 15 minutes
Time spent listening today: 1 hour, 30 minutes
Books completed today: Soul of the Sword
Today’s goals:
- Read at least 100 pages ✓
Currently reading: Sign of the Moon, The Forgotten Warrior
Currently listening: Iron Gold
Pages read today: 456
Time spent reading today: 3 hours, 15 min
Time spent listening today: 3 hours
Books completed today: Sign of the Moon
Today’s goals:
- Finish The Forgotten Warrior ✓
Currently reading: The Forgotten Warrior, The Last Hope
Pages read today: 332
Time spent reading today: 1 hour, 45 minutes
Time spent listening today: 3 hours
Books completed today: The Forgotten Warrior
Today’s goals:
- Read at least 100 pages ✗
Currently listening: Iron Gold
Pages read today: 79
Time spent listening today: 2 hours, 30 minutes
Books completed today: n/a
Today’s notes: Today was the start of our camping trip, so I had to come home from work and pack and didn’t have any time to physically read anything :(
Today’s goals:
- Finish Iron Gold ✓
Currently reading: Iron Gold, The Last Hope
Pages read today: 89
Time spent reading today: 1 hour, 30 minutes
Books completed today: Iron Gold
Today’s notes: Still camping so another slow day!
Today’s goals:
- Finish The Last Hope ✓
Currently reading: The Last Hope, Dark Age
Pages read today: 253
Time spent reading today: 2 hours
Books completed today: The Last Hope
Total # pages read: 2,122
Total time spent reading: 17 hours, 15 minutes
Total time spent listening to audiobooks: 15 hours
Books I completed: Containment, Soul of the Sword, Sign of the Moon, The Forgotten Warrior, Iron Gold, The Last Hope
I did AMAZING this week! I completed something every single day of the readathon except Friday and I read more pages in one week than I have in the last couple of months combined!

I forgot about BoB! Now I’m so excited!
Yay! I almost missed it!
Good luck with all your goals.
Happy readings! ;)
Tânia @MyLovelySecret