Heartbeat Weekly (77): New Design!

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on April 3, 2016 | 5 Comments



Books I got this week

first life titans victoria scott

From the library:

Weekly Recap

Posts on the blog:

Blog news:

I’ve decided to participate in ARC April this month, I’m pretty excited!! I’ll also be seeing Cinda Williams Chima this Wednesday at my local bookstore!

Also, Novel Heartbeat has a new face!! It’s been a very long time since I changed the design, and I’m thrilled to have a fresh new look, while still sticking with the theme it had. I like the color scheme, so I don’t want to change that. But I was getting really sick of the font, it needed a makeover! I’m super happy with it now, I love the new fonts. They look much cleaner! I also decided to go with a dark background for the post section, which is a big change for me. I tend to stick with lighter backgrounds because it’s easier on the eyes. Dark backgrounds usually make me hesitant, so we’ll see how long it lasts.

What do you guys think?

Honest opinions please! Is it better white, or do you like the black? How do you feel about the new design? Also, don’t forget I have a new blog button! I tried replacing the old one in my media section but it was glitching for some reason -___-

Old design:

Screen Shot 2016-04-02 at 9.37.34 PM

New design:

Screen Shot 2016-04-02 at 11.08.10 PM

What I’ve been up to this week:

Not much, sadly. I got everything sorted out with insurance after my boo-boo last week and will hopefully be fixing my car soon. *sighs* Haven’t seen what my new rate is going to look like yet….

The weather has been crazy! It was super warm for a day or two, then it stormed like mad with ridiculous (and kind of scary) winds, then it freaking dropped below freezing and snowed. Stupid Ohio. I’m ready for the warmth to come and stay already!

March Wrap Up

march wrap up

Average rating: 3.6
Pages read: 3,204
Favorite book of March: Red Rising

April TBR

April TBR

  • Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton (currently reading)
  • Firstlife by Gena Showalter
  • Ruined by Amy Tintera (for review/ARC August)
  • This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab (for review/ARC August)
  • The King Slayer by Virginia Boecker (for review/ARC August)
  • Titans by Victoria Scott
  • City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
  • Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare (TBR jar pull)

In all honesty I probably won’t even make it to CoHF or LM this month. Those books are HUGE! I had forgotten about ARC April when I posted this picture, so I want to focus on ARCs instead of books that are TBR jar pulls. We shall see, though!

What’s in your mailbox, loverlies? Link me up!

Jessi (Geo)

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5 responses to “Heartbeat Weekly (77): New Design!

  1. Jessi, I LOVE the dark background! It makes each of your sections POP and stand out more, especially if you have a busy sidebar. The black definitely draws the eye. I adore your new design. I agree – it looks cleaner and crisper. I’m glad you’ve gotten everything sorted with your insurance. I’m about to wage a war with my medical insurance for backdating additional charges to my surgery (last June) after it was entirely paid off. My insurance is in-house at the hospital where I had the routine surgery. I can’t understand how they would hire such incompetent people who take 9-10 months to do their job! I hope you have a great reading week!

  2. OOoh niiiiiiice!!! I LOVE it!! I like the darker background, for me the too many light or white colors makes it hard to read sometimes and it hurts my eyes. So I definitely like the darker background behind the text boxes and such! Makes it easier to focus on things. Like the newer font too! Just enough to give it a different touch, and it looks lovely!! Very nicely done!!

    Yay for new reads! I STILL need to read Titans. Sadly, Firstlife wasn’t the read for me. I adored Gena’s previous YA books including the canceled Intertwined series…adored that one to death! And yet for some reason I just couldn’t get into this one. That made me so sad because I wanted to love it! Oh well. Hope you enjoy your reads!!

    Here’s my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I like the change too! The only thing I liked more from the old design, was the Novel font. But I like the Heartbeat font, so I guess it equals out lol

  4. I really love the change! I like the black color at the bottom!! Good luck with your insurance and the boo boo that is always touch and go. It looks like you have a lot of awesome books for April lined up! Happy Reading!

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