Tag: Paranormal

Review: Tempest Rising by Tracy Deebs

Review: Tempest Rising by Tracy Deebs
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on March 7, 2012 | 2 Comments

I had a lot of mixed feelings about this book. It got off to a great start with the letter from mother to daughter telling Tempest that she would have a life-altering decision to make: stay human or become a mermaid. The letter captured my attention immediately and piqued my interest. I was thinking, What will she do? How will she choose?? But, I’m afraid to say that after that it was a downward spiral for me. I didn’t like […]


Review: Die for Me by Amy Plum

Review: Die for Me by Amy Plum
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on March 1, 2012 | 4 Comments

I’m sorry to say that this is another one that I had to force myself to finish. Through some morbid compulsion, I couldn’t bring myself to put it down. I suppose I was hoping it would get better and have some redeeming qualities, perhaps an unexpected twist or two towards the end, but nope. This book was very predictable. I felt zero surprise, zero joy, and all in all zero emotion. I found myself procrastinating by doing something, anything to […]


Review: Falling Under by Gwen Hayes

Review: Falling Under by Gwen Hayes
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on February 6, 2012 | 5 Comments

Good. Lord. You have no idea how glad I am to finally be done with  this book. So many times I thought about giving up and parting ways, but by some sick and twisted compulsion I had to finish it. I have so many complaints about this book that I kinda don’t even want to do this review.   I hated Theia. With the fire of a thousand suns. I’m talking hate like, if-I-ever-met-you-I’d-stab-you-in-the-eye-with-a-rusty-fork hate. She was a boring person […]


Review: Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

Review: Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on January 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

This was my first foray into the world of horror books. And a good one it was! The first thing I loved about this book? The writing is RED. Which happens to be my favorite color, so bonus points there. The second thing (more bonus points), Blake used the word kerfuffle. Which happens to be my favorite word! She also used clusterfuck, which is another awesome, giggle-enticing word. Yay!   Anyway, off to the story. I don’t get scared watching […]


Review: Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey

Review: Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on January 7, 2012 | 0 Comments

I had a lot of mixed feelings about this book. While there were parts I liked, there were also parts I didn’t. I loved that it started right off the bat with Lenzi hearing voices. It grabbed me right away and held my attention. What I didn’t enjoy was the love triangle. GROAN. I knew when I bought it that there was going to be one, but was hoping that the awesome story line would drown it out. Thankfully, it […]


Review: Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

Review: Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on January 5, 2012 | 1 Comment

I actually started this book last year and the timing was just terrible so I only made it about 80 pages in. Despite that, I was sure I was really going to love this book and there was a lot of hype about it…so I ended up being a bit disappointed. It was still good and went pretty fast, but it just didn’t cut it for me.   In the beginning I was really confused about all the terminology and hierarchies. […]
