Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
1. It’s written by Jay Kristoff.
I will literally read anything and everything that man writes. He could write a book about accounting and I’d read it.
2. It has a gorgeous cover.
Don’t we all judge books by their covers?! It’s the first thing about a book you notice, and eye catching covers make me look twice and read the synopsis.
3. There’s a cat involved.
If there’s a cat on the cover or a cat plays a significant part in the story, sign me TF up.
4. It features an enemies to lovers romance.
This is my FAVORITE trope of all time and I’ll read just about anything pitched as such, unless it has a love triangle.
5. It has a sentient animal MC or sidekick.
I’ll read pretty much anything that has a sentient animal in it!
6. It’s set in space.
I loooove space books! I have a shelf on Goodreads named spaaaaace because I love them so much.
7. It’s a space horror.
This is my FAVE subgenre and I desperately need more space horror books!
8. There is Japanese culture involved.
Namely, fantasy. Japanese culture fascinates me and I adore SFF books with Japanese lore in them!
9. It will crush your soul.
I’m going to be honest, when someone tells me a book destroyed them emotionally, it makes me want to read it even more!
10. My book twin Christy loved it.
We have very similar tastes, so 90% of the time, if she loved it then I will too!
What things make YOU instantly want to read a book?

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