I started this feature here at ASR in order to know your fellow bloggers a little better! If you are interested in being featured please fill out
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Hey! I’m Hannah, and I’m 23 (eek! so old!) and from Western Australia. Which is, of course, the better half of Australia. I’m Australian Scottish, or Scottish Australian, whichever way you want to look at it, and Edinburgh is my second home. I’m currently at university studying for a Bachelor of Arts in Literary Studies and Creative Writing, as fun as that sounds!
How long have you been blogging? What made you want to start a book blog?
As of when this goes up, I will have been blogging for exactly a year! OMG! I know. It’s the first time I’ve ever done a blog, and I’m surprised that I’ve kept at it. Why did I want to blog? A friend of mine had one, and I loved that she was sharing her opinions about it. When another friend (who didn’t know that friend) told me one day that I was such a bookish person and good at recommending books that I should review them, that I was like, “Hmmm, maybe I should try this book blogging thing.” And here I am, I guess!
What do you do when you’re not blogging or reading?
I work! I’m currently at university, but right now we are on summer break, so I’m working my tush off to save money for travels. I’m a wanderer at heart, and I always need to be on the move at least once a year!
What is your favorite part about blogging? Least favorite?
My favourite part? There’s so much that I love! The amazing people, having fantastic twitter chats with other bookish people and authors, making an author’s day when I review their book. Finding out about a new book that another blogger has recommended and loving it. The worst? Getting into reading slumps, not having enough time in the day to do everything I want to with the blog, and blogger drama.
How did you come up with the name for your blog?
I used to catch up with a friend for coffee at least once a week, but she was never on time, so I’d always take a book to read with me before she arrived. She’d always call me her ‘girl in a cafe’, and when I was thinking about what to call the blog, I thought that suited me perfectly!
Do you have any specific book bloggers that inspire you?
I read a lot of blogs, but my problem is I have such short term memory I can never remember their names. There are a lot, though, of people who have inspired me. All my Aussie bloggers, for example, and their awesomeness. AH! I just can’t think. But to every blogger, you inspire me. Really.
What do you look for in a blog when following? What are your pet peeves?
I look for individuality in reviews and posts. I want to hear your exact thoughts on what you think, even if you hated it. Don’t sugarcoat things! I also look for blogs that are simplistic in layout and aren’t too cluttered with things like pictures, buttons etc. It’s too hard on my poor little eyes. And for the love of God, get rid of captchas. I do not understand the very tiny words and numbers all jumbled in together.
[Jessi] Well put, Hannah!
What’s your favorite book(s)?
So many books! It’s like choosing a favourite child. Okay, let’s try this one… my favourite classic is North & South by Elizabeth Gaskell, and is probably my favourite book ever. The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare, Glitch by Heather Anastasiu, Reflection by Jessica Roberts, Silver by Talia Vance, the list goes on and on!
Favorite author?
It’s a contest between Elizabeth Gaskell and Jane Austen. Really, I’d like to see them battle it out in a duel and fight for my affections.
What is the biggest turn off for you when you’re reading a book?
Instant love. Call me cynical, but you cannot fall in love with someone within five minutes. Or even two weeks. I don’t like books about soul mates unless there’s some sort of hesitation beforehand. Too much sex, especially if the book is not marketed at older YA readers. And just generally bad grammar. Even if my grammar’s not perfect, I’m not the one with a published book.
What first draws you to a book to make you want to read it?
I like books that draw you in straight away. Plunge you directly into whatever world you are entering. Too many books take too much time setting the story, but if you can do that while weaving the story line straight in. And wonderfully sexy boys. Give me a hot sexy boy, preferably one that is not an eejit, and has a backbone. And that goes for my female lead too.
Describe yourself in 3 words.
Bubbly, crazy and weird.
Name a random fact about yourself.
I am probably the palest Australian you will ever meet.
Do you have a job? If so, what do you do?
I do! I work as a receptionist at a hotel. It’s…an experience, let me tell you that.
What did you want to be when you were little? Has that changed?
I wanted to be a number of things. A lawyer, ballerina, a vet. All of those got squashed down pretty quickly. Since high school, though, I wanted to get into journalism, but that changed to publishing when I realised exactly how much I loved books and I wanted to work with them, one way or another.
Cats or dogs?
I love both! I can’t choose. I love both my family pets, and I really want a kitten and puppy of my own!
Favorite animal?
I LOVE lemurs. Blame the movie Madagascar, but I love them to bits. They have them at our local zoo, and you can go into the enclosure and feed them. Or at least, you used to be able to. I loved it soooo much!
White, dark, or milk chocolate?
There’s nothing better than milk chocolate. I am a choco-holic.
Coke or Pepsi?
Diet Pepsi or Pepsi Max. I can’t stand the normal stuff!
Favorite TV show?
It usually varies, but at the moment I am loving Hart of Dixie and Nikita!
Favorite movie?
Again, it varies, but Love, Actually would have to be one of my all time favourite films, along with Mean Girls. I can quote both of the top off my head.
Any sort of pastel blue!
Thanks so much for having me Jess! It was really fun!
And thanks for being here, Hannah! It was fantastic getting to know you :)
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