Series: The Nahx Invasions

Review: Cold Falling White by G.S. Prendergast

Review: Cold Falling White by G.S. Prendergast
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on November 18, 2019 | 0 Comments

CAUTION: SPOILERS FOR ZERO REPEAT FOREVER Oh my gosh, why did I put off reading this book for so long?! To be honest I was kind of worried that it would have Second Book Syndrome and would disappoint me after I loved Zero Repeat Forever so freaking much. I needn’t have worried, because it was pretty much just as amazing as the first book! The first book starts off kind of slow in the beginning. This book is almost non-stop […]


Review: Zero Repeat Forever by G.S. Prendergast

Review: Zero Repeat Forever by G.S. Prendergast
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on September 20, 2017 | 3 Comments

The world is gone. It was taken from us, the way a massive heart attack takes a life. Swiftly, ruthlessly, almost as though there is nothing personal about it. HOLY. SHIT. YOU GUYS. There are not enough words to properly describe how much I LOVED this book! And the more time that passes, the more I love it. I can’t get it out of my head. I thought about it all day the following day after I finished it. I […]
