Publisher: Balzer + Bray

Review: Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris

Review: Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on April 30, 2012 | 6 Comments

Lives are made of strings of moments, and every once in a while, one of those moments is pivotal and defining. It changes everything, alters you so completely that when you look back, there’s a clear before and after. Wow. This book blew my mind! I don’t read a lot of sci-fi, so it was unlike anything I’ve ever read before. And boy does Norris know how to kick your feet out from under you! There were a few things […]


Review: Partials by Dan Wells

Review: Partials by Dan Wells
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on March 8, 2012 | 4 Comments

Partials blew my mismatched little socks right off. From the first sentence to the very last, I was riveted. Honestly, it had my attention even before I started the first chapter, with this: This book is dedicated to the rule breakers, the troublemakers, and the revolutionaries. Sometimes the hand that feeds you needs a good bite. What a brilliant open to a dystopian novel! Then it leads in with this: Newborn #485GA18M died on June 30, 2076, at 6:07 in […]


Review: Frost by Marianna Baer

Review: Frost by Marianna Baer
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on October 23, 2011 | 0 Comments

While I did like this book, there really wasn’t much of a plot line involved. I did enjoy the development of the relationship between David and Leena. I always love a good romance ;) Even without much going on though, this book still held my attention (believe me, not an easy task). The strange and unexplained happenings in Frost House left me wanting answers. You start to wonder if Celeste is doing the things to herself, if one of the […]
