Author: Kelley Armstrong

Review: The Rising by Kelley Armstrong

Review: The Rising by Kelley Armstrong
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on December 19, 2014 | 1 Comment

Out of the entire series, I think that this book is the best one! I was very pleased with a few little twists that were added, and it made it overall more enjoyable. And I don’t want to say why without using spoiler tags because I don’t want to ruin it for anyone! The first half was kind of slow, honestly. It didn’t pick up until the appearance of what I mentioned in the spoiler tag. The first half would […]


Review: The Calling by Kelley Armstrong

Review: The Calling by Kelley Armstrong
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on December 8, 2014 | 2 Comments

Just like the first book, this one wasn’t very memorable. In fact, it was even less memorable. Practically nothing happens the entire story – it’s just a lot of wandering around, lost, looking for help while running from the bad guys. But somehow, it was still enough to hold my attention. I never got bored, and it was still enjoyable. Much like the first, the details will fade quickly and I probably won’t remember much of it. It was cool to get […]


Review: The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong

Review: The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on December 1, 2014 | 2 Comments

This was my second time reading this book – the first time was years ago, before I started blogging. I remember the ending being pretty open, and I wanted to read the second book, but then it came out and I just…never read it (this happens a lot, actually). I’m going to be honest, I remember absolutely nothing about this book. Reading it the second time was basically the same as reading it the first time. Parts of it sounded vaguely familiar, but […]


Review: Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong

Review: Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on March 28, 2014 | 10 Comments

I love Kelley’s Darkest Powers series, and I really enjoyed her Adult UF books featuring Elena Michaels. I thought for sure I’d love this one, since it sounded intriguing and I’ve liked her stories in the past. I did enjoy it, but I was disappointed somehow. It was good, but…forgettable. Which is sad, because the story line was unique. The writing didn’t wow me, though. What I did really love was that Ashyn and Moria’s companions were animals! I love any story where […]
