Category: Blog Tours

Proxy Excerpt & Giveaway!

Proxy Excerpt & Giveaway!
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on December 3, 2013 | 2 Comments

I don’t usually do promo posts, but I really enjoyed Avalon (as well as The Nightmare Affair) and can’t wait for Proxy! Proxy (Avalon #0.5) by Mindee ArnettPublished by Balzer + Bray (12.3.2013)Buy from: AmazonAdd to Goodreads Proxy is an action-packed introduction to a world like nothing readers have seen before, and it sets a spark to the powder keg that will explode in Mindee Arnett’s sci-fi thriller Avalon. If you need something stolen from any star system in the Confederation, […]


Find Me Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway

Find Me Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on October 14, 2013 | 7 Comments

I do love the occasional mystery, and this one was pretty darn good! It gave you several options without giving away the ending. I have to admit, while I suspected the person at one point (although I suspected a couple different people), I didn’t figure it out until the end. I love that it wasn’t predictable! I tend to figure things out before the characters do, so it was refreshing to be surprised. Norcut says that was probably why my […]


Unbreathable Blog Tour: Interview + Giveaway

Unbreathable Blog Tour: Interview + Giveaway
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on October 14, 2013 | 4 Comments

Unbreathable by Hafsah Laziaf Self published (10.29.2013) Add to Goodreads   One hundred and fifty years ago, Earth was destroyed, and the remaining humans fled to the dusty red planet of Jutaire, where the only oxygen is manufactured, food is scarce, and death strikes often.  When Lissa’s father discovers Earth still exists, she accidentally inhales the toxic air of Jutaire, and in one breath, discovers she isn’t quite human. Her father hangs for his discovery, and Lissa knows the Chancellors […]


Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway

Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on September 18, 2013 | 8 Comments

Gods, I don’t know how to get my whirling thoughts into a coherent review! If you’re going to read this book, have a box of tissues ready. And maybe a therapist. My heart has been shattered into a million tiny pieces! How I looked while reading Kinslayer: Mr. Kristoff has outdone himself in this breathtaking sequel! Warning: This book is not rainbows and unicorns. It’s dark, desperate, and violent. Sometimes gory and disturbing. There is no HEA, horrible sacrifices are made, terrible […]


Thornhill Blog Tour: Interview + Giveaway

Thornhill Blog Tour: Interview + Giveaway
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on September 10, 2013 | 17 Comments

Thornhill by Kathleen Peacock Series: Hemlock #2 Published by Katherine Tegen Books (9.10.2013) Buy from Amazon | Buy from TBDAdd to Goodreads   Mac can’t lose another friend. Even if he doesn’t want to be found. The ripple effect caused by Mac’s best friend Amy’s murder has driven Mac’s new love, Kyle, to leave Hemlock and disappear from her life forever. But Mac knows that Kyle plans to enroll in a rehabilitation camp, where he can live with other werewolves. She refuses […]


Viral Nation Blog Tour: Interview With Shaunta Grimes

Viral Nation Blog Tour: Interview With Shaunta Grimes
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on July 8, 2013 | 2 Comments

Viral Nation by Shaunta GrimesPublished by Berkley Trade (7.2.2013)Buy from: Amazon | Barnes & NobleAdd to Goodreads After a virus claimed nearly the entire global population, the world changed. The United States splintered into fifty walled cities where the surviving citizens clustered to start over. The Company, which ended the plague by bringing a life-saving vaccine back from the future, controls everything. They ration the scant food and supplies through a lottery system, mandate daily doses of virus suppressant, and even monitor […]
