Tag: ARC

ARC Review: The Invocations by Krystal Sutherland

ARC Review: The Invocations by Krystal Sutherland
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on January 15, 2024 | 0 Comments

FIRST FIVE STAR BOOK OF 2024!! Holy shit, ya’ll. This book was fuckin’ awesome!! I think going into this book totally blind is what made me love this so much, and I implore you to skip this review if you have not yet read it. The only thing I knew going in was that it was about witches, and I ended up being completely broadsided! I read House of Hollow last year, and while I enjoyed it, I didn’t love […]


Review: The Iron Traitor by Julie Kagawa

Review: The Iron Traitor by Julie Kagawa
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on October 2, 2013 | 12 Comments

I think I’ve said this a thousand times already, but there is literally nothing that Julie could write that I wouldn’t be excited to read. Nothing. It could be a book about mathematics (which she probably doesn’t even like anyway…) and she’d find a way to make it interesting. There’s a reason she’s my favorite YA author! This one was even better than The Lost Prince.  I loved Ethan and Kenzie’s relationship in a way that I didn’t in the first […]


Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway

Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on September 18, 2013 | 8 Comments

Gods, I don’t know how to get my whirling thoughts into a coherent review! If you’re going to read this book, have a box of tissues ready. And maybe a therapist. My heart has been shattered into a million tiny pieces! How I looked while reading Kinslayer: Mr. Kristoff has outdone himself in this breathtaking sequel! Warning: This book is not rainbows and unicorns. It’s dark, desperate, and violent. Sometimes gory and disturbing. There is no HEA, horrible sacrifices are made, terrible […]


Review: 3:59 by Gretchen McNeil

Review: 3:59 by Gretchen McNeil
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on September 9, 2013 | 7 Comments

Big thanks to HarperTeen for providing a review copy! I had the same problem with this one that I had with Ten: TOO MUCH DRAMA. I mean, I understand that they’re in high school, but jeez! High school is NOT like reality TV. Either that or I just had a ridiculously tame high school. To be honest, this could have been a 4 star book for me if it hadn’t been for the characters. The originality was outstanding, and I […]


Review: The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

Review: The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on August 14, 2013 | 13 Comments

I honestly don’t even know how to write this review. It was one of those books that was just so….something, I can’t even begin to put it into words. Here goes… First of all, the detail that Samantha Shannon put into the world building was incredible. Seriously, kudos to her! I can’t imagine the time that she had to have spent on it. The world in The Bone Season was very in depth and well thought out, with its own […]


Review: Ashes on the Waves by Mary Lindsey

Review: Ashes on the Waves by Mary Lindsey
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on July 17, 2013 | 9 Comments

It’s no secret that I’m not a big fan of romance, but I do enjoy them occasionally if they’re done well. Sadly, this one fell flat for me. My main problem was the characters. I couldn’t connect to Liam or Anna – in fact, they annoyed the crap out of me – and therefore I couldn’t bring myself to care about anything that was happening to them. It’s really not a good thing when you’re rooting for them to fail.  Sometimes […]
