Tag: 3.5 heartbeats

ARC Review: The Night Country by Melissa Albert

ARC Review: The Night Country by Melissa Albert
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on February 17, 2020 | 1 Comment

I didn’t enjoy this one quite as much as I enjoyed The Hazel Wood, but I still loved stepping back into the dark and twisted world! I felt like this one was lacking in action, but thankfully it didn’t really lose my interest. Melissa’s prose is lyrical and draws you in, so that you want to continue even when there’s nothing happening. I’m not sure how I felt about the introduction of new characters. I liked Sophia well enough, but […]


Review: Winterwood by Shea Ernshaw

Review: Winterwood by Shea Ernshaw
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on February 14, 2020 | 0 Comments

We are daughters of the wood. It’s hard to review this one, because I loved the concept but I felt quite indifferent about it in general. I was excited to read it because I loved The Wicked Deep, but this one fell short. My main issue was complete apathy. I didn’t care about what was happening, I didn’t care about the characters, nothing. The magic and mystery were intriguing, though, and that’s what kept me going. I saw a few people […]


Review: Seven Deadly Shadows by Courtney Alameda & Valynne E. Maetani

Review: Seven Deadly Shadows by Courtney Alameda & Valynne E. Maetani
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on January 20, 2020 | 0 Comments

If you know me, you know I am a HUGE sucker for Asian Fantasy. Especially if it’s Japanese. And there’s so few of them! This had everything I love about Japanese fantasy – oni, yokai, kitsune, miko, Shinto shrines, and plenty of glorious Japanese culture. (Which I am positively obsessed with.) That was definitely my favorite part of this book! It was super easy to picture everything – you know how some books tell you they’re in a certain country/place, […]


ARC Review: Ashlords by Scott Reintgen

ARC Review: Ashlords by Scott Reintgen
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on January 13, 2020 | 0 Comments

This one is rather hard for me to review, because I had some pretty mixed feelings about it. First, I just want to say that the concept is EPIC!!! Alchemy! Phoenix horses!!! I loved the riders’ use of specific alchemical components to basically upgrade their horses. The concept was the shining gem of this book, and ultimately the main thing that kept me interested. I adored the horses and everything about them. The race was cool, too – it had […]


Review: Circe by Madeline Miller

Review: Circe by Madeline Miller
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on December 20, 2019 | 0 Comments

Trigger Warning: Rape I have some very mixed feelings on this book, which is going to make it super hard to review. I love mythology, so the basis of this book is a total win for me. However, I was not a fan of the writing style at ALL. The prose is very, VERY dry. That was probably my biggest issue with this book. It’s told in past tense, first person – which is usually my favorite, because I tend to connect […]


ARC Review: 10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston

ARC Review: 10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on December 6, 2019 | 0 Comments

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a fan of contemporary and I rarely read it. Actually, this was my first contemporary romance all year, oops. I needed a break from my High Fantasy rut (and reading slump) and this was just the book for it since it’s set at Christmastime! It’s not something I’d usually have looked twice at, but Disney sent me a copy a while back, and then it showed up in my suggestions when I […]
