Author: Sophie Jordan

Review: Reign of Shadows by Sophie Jordan

Review: Reign of Shadows by Sophie Jordan
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on January 25, 2016 | 7 Comments

The darkness cannot last. Light will come again. Wow. This book was amazing! I absolutely loved the world. It was brilliant and creepy! And INTENSE. I was hooked right from the start. The premise is so awesome – the world is in perpetual dark because of a never-ending eclipse, and it’s not safe to be Outside anymore because these creepy things called Dwellers roam the land and attack people. Also, bats are like 4 feet tall. It was SO awesome! I’ve […]


Review: Uninvited by Sophie Jordan

Review: Uninvited by Sophie Jordan
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on January 27, 2014 | 14 Comments

This one kicked off with an AWESOME start! Actually, if I had been in a store and picked this book up, I would have bought it immediately just based on the first page. It’s one of the best first paragraphs I’ve read in a very long time! The world building was one of my favorite parts of this novel. Sophie Jordan did a fabulous job of making everything sound legitimate and convincing! And the best part? There was a year […]
