Author: Kristen Simmons

Review & Giveaway: The Glass Arrow by Kristen Simmons

Review & Giveaway: The Glass Arrow by Kristen Simmons
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on February 2, 2015 | 18 Comments

Wow, you guys. WOW. This book blew me away! I knew I was going to love it from the very first page. (And that cover!!) The first chapter is explosive and I was hooked right from the start. Glass Arrow is a beautiful and wild ride! The world building was epic! It painted a very vivid picture in my head, and I could easily see this being a movie. (It neeeeds to be a movie!) I felt like I was […]


Review: Article 5 by Kristen Simmons

Review: Article 5 by Kristen Simmons
Posted by Jessi (Geo) on February 21, 2012 | 2 Comments

The Moral Statutes of the United States of America   Article 1 The United States embraces the Church of America as her official religion.   Article 2 Literature and other media considered immoral are hereby banned and shall not be owned, bought, sold, or traded in any capacity.   Article 3 Whole families are to be considered one man, one woman, and child(ren).   Article 4 Traditional male and female roles shall be observed.   Article 5 Children are considered […]
