Top Ten Tuesday: Signs You’re Book Obsessed

Posted by Jessi (Geo) on March 31, 2020 | 0 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

You know you’re book obsessed when…

You carry a book with you wherever you go.

There’s nothing worse than being stuck waiting anywhere without a book, amirite? Bonus points if you carry booksleeves to protect the babies you carry around with you.

You have your library card memorized.

Let’s be honest, I lost my library card AGES ago. I could get a new one, sure, but then I’d have to re-memorize the numbers and that’s just too much work!

You’ve joined a book club.

This was actually a recent first for me! I joined the Epic Reads Book Club on Facebook and I’m loving it!

You own bookish merchandise.

You know you’re book obsessed when your collection has spanned past just books to bookish merchandise as well! Bonus points if you’ve ever had a book box subscription ;)

You have a blog/Instagram/YouTube dedicated solely to books.

Bookstagram, book blogging, and booktube are where it’s at whoop whoop!

You own more than 100 books.

Bonus points if you have random stacks of books throughout your house! And even better if-

You have your own personal library.

Having a separate room for your books and bookish items takes things to a whole new level of book obsessed, heh.

You ran out of shelf space.

Bonus points if you ran out of space for another shelf, too. #bookwormproblems! And perhaps the reason you ran out of shelf space is because-

You own multiple editions of your favorite books.

You already have a copy of your favorite book by your favorite author. But now there’s a gorgeous new UK edition, you need that too, right? Oh but wait, Goldsboro is coming out with an exclusive edition with sprayed edges, yep, need that as well. I can use my bookish candles to keep me warm at night when my electric gets shut off because I spent all my money on books…

You’ve attended a book festival or other bookish events.

yallfest 2019

You don’t just read the books, you also seek out the authors! They are, after all, our rock stars. Meeting them is THE BEST. Even better if-

You’ve met your favorite author.

This one is the top of my list of signs you’re book obsessed! There’s nothing like the feeling of getting to see your favorite author of all time in person!

me and jay

Oops, I can’t count because that’s 11. Which happens to be my favorite/lucky number. So you got a bonus!

How book obsessed are you? How many of these things have you done?

Jessi (Geo)

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